
..?" I wondered."I'm nervous because...because...I'm a virgin !!" she yelled out, turning red, hoping nobody had heard her.That actually explained a lot. Why she was so shy and all. I noticed myself getting turned on myself. I can't remember the last time I had a virgin in bed. I lost my virginity at 16 and had my first girl at 17. I decided to ask her to my place to help her out and maybe have some fun myself. Hey don't judge I have needs, too."Meet me at my place in 2 hours." Ok and then what do we do? She wondered."You'll see when we get there."I called Paige and told her all about my plans. She seemed to like my ideas and agreed to meet me at my place immediately. we got done and chatted some more to make sure the plan was clear. Oh, settle down, will you. You will find out all about it soon enough. I was excited for this and then the doorbell rang. I went on to answer it and let Emma in. I grabbed her hand and lead her to my bedroom. There, Paige was already laying on the bed,. In fact, I sort of recognized the other group mostly by their dogs if they had one because it was easier to keep tabs on and Irish setter or a German shepherd than to remember faces that all seemed blurry at a distance. It seemed like an ideal situation for me. My audience would be close, almost captive, and yet we would manage to stay isolated from each other just the way I loved it.I put out all the lights as soon as it got dark and got my brother’s binoculars from the closet. I had inherited them from him when he got married because his wife hated anything that would remind him of his military days. Then I took up position in my favorite lounge chair just inside the window and started to monitor the units across the way. I started first with the units directly opposite of which there were four. Each pair shared an emergency escape landing and ladder that went all the way from the roof to the basement about five flights below. I had absolutely no idea which apartment corresponded.
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